Fido Fixers, partnering with other animal welfare charities, has performed over 100,000 low-cost or no cost surgeries, resulting in a significant reduction of unwanted litters of puppies and kittens.

Graphic showing how many unwanted kittens and puppies can be born from unswayed mother cats and dogs
Dog and cat saying "wow"
Map of locations of the states with Fido Fixer vans

If you’re looking for our spay/neuter services, we currently operate eight fully-equipped La Boit mobile clinics in Houston, TX (2), Arkansas, Alabama, Eastern Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Eastern Utah and Eastern Tennessee. Click here for more information about each of these locations.


Fido Fixers’ mission is to provide low-cost spay and neuter services for dogs and cats in economically distressed areas, mostly in the Southern United States using surgical mobile clinics.

What We Do

Fido Fixers is a 501(c)(3) organization, founded in 2012, based out of Greenwich, CT.

Our qualified partners agree to provide at least 200 spay and neuter surgeries a month, working four days a week with a dedicated vet. They lease the mobile clinic, directly from Fido Fixers, after signing a one-year agreement for $1 per month. Fido Fixers covers vehicle insurance, repairs, property taxes and DMV costs directly related to the mobile clinic. If a partner can no longer fulfill its commitment, Fido Fixers will re-locate the mobile clinic to another qualified organization.

Since early 2013, when the first unit began operating, Fido Fixers has worked in Georgia, Mississippi, Florida, Texas, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Utah, Alabama and Ohio. Partners provide all staffing and supplies, set the price of surgeries (must be low-cost or no-cost), manage all administrative activities, community outreach and scheduling.